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Sunday, 19 March 2017

1st battalion 44th Demi-brigade WIP

Just a quick WIP update - 1st Battalion 44th Demi-brigade for Marengo.

I foolishly forgot to order some foot command for my two greatcoat wearing battalions! But the first is pretty much done now.

a full update once they're finished.

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Where it all began....

So a book arrived in the post - a blast from the past!

Warhammer 40,000 was what got me into miniature wargaming all the way back in the late 1980's.

I gave up playing Warhammer 40K in the late 1990's - and it seems the game is currently an unplayable mess, so I have not really been interested in playing the modern version of the game.  But, the new figures Games Workshop are producing look good, and I am tempted to put together a few small skirmish forces to play using the old rules.  Perhaps a Rogue Trader and his retinue and a few alien or cultist types....

Friday, 3 March 2017

Nu Orc Jetz test figure

Back to fantasy football and a test figure for my orc team the Nu Orc Jetz.  As the Nu Orc Jetz uniform is going to be green, I decided to paint my orcs a brownish colour. I think the green is probably too dark so I'll try and lighten it. Wearing red boots "coz red wunz go fasta."

Thrukka da Chukka - Orc Thrower for the Nu Orc Jetz.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

72nd Demi-brigade

Apologies for the delay in posting, work has kept me busy!

The 72nd Demi-Brigade for Marengo is now complete.

Here is the first Battalion advancing in column...

... and line

and the 2nd Battalion

The 72nd Demi-brigade was formed in 1796 from several volunteer battalions.  It fought at Zyper-Sluis and Bergen in 1799 and Turbigo, Montebello and Marengo in 1800. At Marengo the 72nd Demi Brigade was commanded by Chef-de-Brigade Mercier.

The 72nd Demi Brigade became the 72nd Infantry Regiment in 1803 and went on to fight in a number of major battles including; Friedland (1807), Eckmuhl, Essling and Wagram (1809), Smolensk and La Moskowa (1812), Leipzig (1813) and Waterloo (1815)

Brigade Commander Carra St. Cyr

The son of an Equerry, Claude Carra St-Cyr joined the army as a sous-lieutenant in 1774, aged 13.  He traveled to America with the French army to take part in the Revolutionary War, where he was promoted to Lieutenant. In 1784 he returned to France and then in 1785 he received a promotion to capitain.  Carra St. Cyr became an aide-de-camp to General Aubert-Dubayet, before being promoted to Chef De Battalion in March 1795, Chef De Brigade in June and General De Brigade in October. Carra St Cyr alsospent time in Turkey from 1796-1798, where he was French Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire.  In 1799 Carra St. Cyr joined the Army of Italy where he was wounded in fighting during that year. In 1800 he was given command of a brigade in Monnier's division in the Army of the Reserve, and took part in the Battle of Marengo.  

Following Marengo Carra St. Cyr stayed with the Army of Italy, fighting the Austrians at Arezzo and then at Pozzolo. In 1800 he was promoted to général de division and given command of the 2nd Division at the camp of Bayonne. In 1805 Carra St. Cyr took command of the coast of Gravelines and in 1806 he became governor of Magdebourg. In February of 1807 he took command of the 2nd Division of Marshal Soult's  IV Corps. He fought at Aspern-Essling in 1809 and on the Ems River in 1813.

After Napoleon's abdication in April of 1814, Carra St. Cyr became a count and Knight of St. Louis. Following Napoleon's escape from Elba, Carra St Cyr did not actively take part during the Hundred Days in 1815.